overlay 'sst' cannot be set via API 4
overlay 'sst' cannot be set via API 4
On the API, I tried to set 'sst' for the overlay but without success. It returns 'uncaught promise undefined' error. Others like "wind", "waves" and "swell1" are working fine
@siim if you zoom out to level 1, you'll see the problem. It happens on your sample as well.
@Ivo Thanks. How can I use 'sst' overlay? Is it only available under 'ecmwf'? Because I can set it on your main site, but I cannot set it in the examples (using chromes console). I can see "sst" in the allowed list but it returns Uncaught (in promise) undefined when I try to set it
I tried the api v4.0 it doesn't seem to work on IE11 even I changed the arrow function. Also, is 'SST' (sea temperature) only workking under 'ecmwf'?
@ivo Will this launch impact the old version API (v2.3)? Apparently all the examples for the old API (v2.3) stop working on the latest IE11(v11.674.15063.0) on windows 10, all the weather layer turned out to be grey without any animation. Or is it just the IE version causes the issue?
Is it possible to call the API to stop/show the animation? And is it possible to set the model for waves, e.g. ECMWF WAM?