Very appreciate of this website very useful tool; However, please make down button smaller, especially difficult to navigate using web browser on mobile.
Mobile app version is also very battery wasting on iPhone.
Very appreciate of this website very useful tool; However, please make down button smaller, especially difficult to navigate using web browser on mobile.
Mobile app version is also very battery wasting on iPhone.
What happened to isobar in layers? freezing, geopotential, and temperature isolines.
@idefix37 apologies for the misunderstood.
Satellite layer needs to be in Earth mode as well.
This is the farthest it reaches:
This is how it should look without the bug:
Zoom out should be enough to see entire continents (north to South America spanning view) from Pacific Ocean. occurs on mobile website.
Something like this zoomed out:
Zoom out feature doesn't reach to all countries view I.e. Earth view in satellite layer .
Occasional Bug where surface pressure isobar disappears when zooming in, and doesn't repopulate, even after page refresh.
Either the map is incorrectly showing where the wind flow direction is incorrect, or the forecasting icon of the wind direction is misleading.
Please add freezing level isobar. This allows ease in user interaction in mobile versions. Thanks.
There are inconsistencies in the labels as they don't show up in the following: Freezing Level, Surface Pressure, Temperature , Geopotential Maps Layers.
Please have this this easy bug fixes resolved.
Thank you in advance!
1)There are still inconsistency in viewing the isobar numbers depending on the zoom to the location.
2)Weather Model Updates doesn't update up to an hour after it completes the updates.
Hi, would like to see freezing level isobar map duplicated to the MOBILE web version. Greatly appreciate your consideration. Thanks.
Hi, would like to see freezing level isobar map duplicated to the MOBILE web version. Greatly appreciate your consideration. Thanks.
Hi, would like to see freezing level isobar map duplicated to the MOBILE web version. Greatly appreciate your consideration. Thanks.
Hi, windy. Tv, would love it if can duplicate the freezing levels isobar layer for mobile website version? Greatly appreciate your consideration!
"runningMs": 11151,
"type": "user",
"module": "isolines",
"msg": "Error loading/rendering isolines: ",
"url": ",37.563,-122.000,5,i:pressure",
"ver": "24.0.5",
"target": "index",
"deviceID": "bdc37129-5247-400b-65c3-3597f1ae0a58",
"latestBcast": "bcast: pluginOpened overlays (2762ms. ago)
store: isolines gh (168ms. ago)
bcast: paramsChanged (66ms. ago)
render: rendered particles (65ms. ago)
bcast: noConnection http (0ms. ago)
"sessionName": "us-2",
"sessionCounter": 2,
"lang": "en",
"retina": false,
"size": "1920x1080",
"glParticles": true,
"platform": "desktop",
"errorID": "error-loadingrendering-isolines"
Especially if sea level pressure is 29.92inhg by default, 30.06inhg, 30.12inhg would be low pressures.
I am confused as to why the surface map has a "low" pressure with its center pressure reading at 30.21inhg?
This is an error and a very easy fix.
Add "more layers" view capabilities in the right sidebar when the forecast location is present.