@yoon_777 May I ask you which model of iPhone do you use? Also can you please explain how you know that Windy is draining your battery? Did you check battery usage in your settings? Please let us know.
What you show are not isobars but Freezing altitude isolines.
Capture d’écran 2020-11-24 à 08.30.35.png
If you want to know the precise pressure at a location, select the Pressure layer and the weather picker.
Otherwise a pressure map is always used at large scale.
This is the fourth time you have sent the same message in the last 2 hours !
You should stop repeating it and wait for a reply otherwise we may ban you !
This is not an error.
The central pressure is lower than the surounding areas.
NOAA/NWS confirms that there is a LOW in the area of Idaho.
This is a very shallow low. Keep in mind that a "low" doesn't automatically mean bad weather.